Adelaide
McFee,
As
Nice
Lady
As
Could
Be,
Took
It
Into
Her
Pretty
Head
That
She
Wanted
Her
Feline
Neighbor
Dead.
Adelaide
Nurtured
Champion
Rose,
And
One
Can
Imagine
Her
Distress
To
Discover
Beneath
It
Hideous
Mess
Of
Enormous
Turds
Beyond
Description
In
Civilized
Words,
The
Scat
Of
Mr.
Murchison’s
Horrible
Cat.
This
Gigantic
Orange
Tabby,
Two
Feet
High,
Lean
And
Shabby,
Sunned
Itself
On
Murchison’s
Lawn,
Licking
It’s
Paws
With
Satisfied
Yawn.
Adelaide
Wanted
It
Permanently
Gone.
At
The
Hardware
Store,
Her
Emotions
Fraught,
She
Bought
Mix
Designed
To
Fix
Rats,
But
Would
Do
Just
Fine
To
Eliminate
Cats.
She
Hurried
Home
And
Found
To
Her
Shock,
The
Cops
Were
Swarming
Over
The
Block.
Murchison,
Convicted
Thief,
Was
Taken
Away,
Shouting
His
Grief.
In
Less
Than
An
Hour,
Animal
Control
Captured
The
Cat,
Saving
The
Glory
Of
Adelaide’s
Flower,
End
Of
Story.